Hidden Histories of women on the isle of wight - illustration by Sarah Rae Redrup

Immerse yourself in Isle of Wight’s rich women’s history with artist-led zine workshop

Why are reporters from all over the country flocking to a small train station in Whippingham?

Have you see the cloaked figures dancing around a battered notebook at Newtown Creek?

Who is Charles Darwin visiting in Freshwater?

Uncover hidden stories of fascinating women
Join Isle of Wight artist, Sarah Rae Redrup, on a journey through time as you uncover hidden stories of fascinating women in Isle of Wight History.

These stories are silly, inspirational and 100 per cent true. In this workshop you will get messy with scrap paper, scissors and glue as you make a zine together.

Where and when
The workshop is suitable for all ages and abilities and is completely free with all materials provided.

Come along to The Nest at Ventnor Park on Friday 28th July, drop in between 1pm and 4:30pm. 

A rich history of rebellious and inspirational women
Sarah told News OnTheWight,

“Here on the Isle of Wight we have a rich history of rebellious and inspirational women just doing their own thing. The more I talk to people the more stories I uncover and I want to share them all with you! 

“My workshop is relaxed and you don’t need to be an arty person to take part, it’s great opportunity to chill out and get creative after a busy week at the fringe.

“I was lucky enough to be supported by Arts Council England for this project which means I can make the workshop completely free including all materials.”

Image: © Sarah Rae Redrup