Independent’s to rally the people in Newport

This in from the Island Independents, in their own words, Ed

Independent election candidates will be gathering in St Thomas Square in Newport at 10:30 on Saturday 20th April to meet voters and to bring the Independent message to the people.

Vote:Ian Stephens, Group Coordinator said: “This will be an opportunity for members of the public to meet Independent Candidates and hear what we plan to do if we are privileged to be granted a majority on May 2nd.”

The Island Independents intend to make sweeping changes to the way the County Hall is run and intend to introduce a Root and Branch Review of all services to bring them back into line with the requirements of the public, who they feel have been badly let down by the current Ruling Group over the last eight years

Ian went on to say: “The politicians who have had the reigns for the last eight years have managed to make matters a good deal worse for everyone. We have an aging population and yet the Conservative Ruling Group close toilets across the whole Island. We have serious issues with domestic abuse and child neglect and they fail to ensure that we have a Child Protection Service that even meets the statutory minimum requirements. We have an economy based on seaside tourism so they close our tourist information centres and axe our lifeguard service. We have an education service that needs improving and they make it worse.”

The Island Independents believe that the main reason things have gone so badly wrong is a direct consequence of the way decisions are taken at County Hall. They propose a move away from the power politics that have characterised the last eight years and advocate instead a Whole of Council approach that is inclusive and allows all members to make a meaningful contribution on behalf of their residents

Ian said: “On May 2nd the people will decide whether they want to carry on with Party Politics or whether they want a Council that will better reflect the will of the people rather than the will of the Ruling Group. A vote for an Island Independent Candidate will allow that to become a reality”

Image: srqpix under CC BY 2.0

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