Woman in mustard coloured sweater working on a laptop computer
Image: christin hume under CC BY 2.0

Indie News Week: Get behind OnTheWight as we join UK-wide campaign highlighting the crucial role of the independent news sector (updated)

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This week, 3rd to 9th June, is Indie News Week,  the UK’s first campaign to celebrate the country’s independent news sector.

Most people aren’t aware that across the UK, what appear to be a number of independent local newspapers, are in fact owned by three very large Corporate regional news companies.

Truly independent
OnTheWight, is different. We’re independent. We are a tiny news team that’s been bringing daily news to the Isle of Wight for more than 18 years. We live locally, produce the news locally and, like you, are actively involved in and support a wide range of communities, across the whole Island.

Your voice matters
During Indie News Week OnTheWight will be holding:

  • A meet-up – come along and chat with the founders
  • An online survey to hear your views
  • A crowdfunding campaign

Look out for more information on the site throughout the week.

Article edit
10th Jun 2024 – Reference to PINF removed