Natasha Lambert receiving BEM Award

Inspirational Islander, Natasha Lambert, presented with British Empire Medal

Thanks to Tracey for this latest news about the brilliantly, inspiring Natasha Lambert. Ed

Natasha Lambert, a young sailor, who‘s completed four major challenges in the last four years, has been presented with the British Empire medal by Major General Martin White CB CBE JP at an Awards ceremony at the prestigious Royal Yacht Squadron in Cowes on the Isle of Wight.

Natasha is still a teenager but has sailed around the Isle of Wight, crossed the Channel, sailed over five hundred miles to Wales, climbed the highest peak in Southern Britain and, this year, sailed from Cowes to London and then completed a walk from St Katharine Docks to the Bank of England and back.

Not allowing Cerebral Palsy to get in the way
Natasha, from the Isle of Wight, undertakes these challenges to test herself and to raise funds for charity. The activities would be remarkable for any teenager but Natasha has Cerebral Palsy, uses a wheelchair and has little control over her movements. Her sailing is by mouth in a specially adapted yacht and her walks are completed in a special walker which she propels herself.

Fundraising in the community
The British Empire Medal is awarded in recognition of a sustained, local contribution or innovative, high-impact work of a relatively short duration. Natasha received her award for her fundraising in the community.

Natasha attended the ceremony with Dad and Mum, Gary and Amanda, her grandparents, Kenneth and Margaret Lambert and sister, Rachel.

Natasha summed up her feelings after the ceremony

“Can’t believe I have a medal. It was an amazing night. I feel lucky to be able to do things for other people. Now I want to get loads of people on the water through my sailing school.”

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