Diversion sign with 'fri' drawn on changing it into friends

Island Roads plea to drivers to use signed diversion in East Cowes

Island Roads is respectfully reminding all road users to use the signed diversion in place during the ongoing York Avenue improvement works in East Cowes.

This diversion offers a safe route for all traffic coming in and out of the town including vehicles using the Red Funnel ferry.

Unsuitable routes
We are aware of some local concerns about traffic using alternative routes. These alternative routes were not selected as the diversion route as they are not considered suitable for the volume of traffic or the larger vehicles that would normally use York Avenue.

We encourage all road users to follow the local signage and keep to the official diversion. We have also put out additional signage asking people to use the official route.

The diversion route is available on our Website and has been communicated to local stakeholders throughout the York Avenue project.

Old Road for locals only
While Wight Fibre is working in Sylvan Avenue, a short diversion incorporating a section of Old Road is in place, but this is for local residents and not through-traffic.

A major scheme such as the reconstruction of York Avenue will inevitably cause some short-term local disruption and we continue to work with stakeholders, elected members and residents in an effort to minimise disruption.

Thanks to residents
Island Roads would also take this opportunity to thank local residents and businesses, including Red Funnel, for their support and understanding during this essential road improvement scheme.

News shared by Gavin behalf of Island Roads. Ed

Image: loopzilla under CC BY 2.0