Members of the Isle of Wight Long Distance Walkers Association joined forces with Isle of Wight Beach Cleaning Volunteers to collect 18 bags of rubbish from a south coast beach earlier this month.
Other reports have been quite alarmist on the re-laying of Undercliff Drive. OnTheWight has spoken to the Wildlife Trust and got a far more balanced response.
The council tell OnTheWight that it could be November before options to give any access to Undercliff Drive are even discussed. Concerns are that when it starts to rain, will currently exposed porous land/surfaces be left open to drink up the rain and then trigger further landslips - exposing the council to further costs?
A clarification has been issued by the Marine Management Organisation over the licence application for the Perpetuus Tidal Energy Centre following inaccurate information being given to OnTheWight by their officers.