Residents campaigning for Totland Sea Wall to be reopened have been informed that work could start as early as next week to repair the damage from the Totland Landslide.
Shaw Taylor was a much-loved character, well known on the Isle of Wight, where he chose to live . The IW Labour Party says he was a keen supporter of the party in their tribute.
Although the new headteacher is considered passionate and hardworking in her efforts to improve the academy, the former 'Good' school has been rated as Inadequate by Ofsted and placed in Special Measures.
If you have seen this missing woman from Totland in the last 24 hours, please get in touch with police to let them know. There are fears she may be suicidal.
Kate Ashbrook believes failure of the council to reinstate the coastal path at Totland would be a severe blow to the Island’s economy and to the enjoyment of its residents and visitors.
The decision to spend the estimated £175,000-£200,000 on a 'mend and make do' option for Totland to Colwell seawall has been delayed for another month.