Islanders march in support of Dig for Damien Nettles campaign

Isle of Wight residents gathered on a very cold Saturday morning to take part in a peaceful march through Newport.

The march, organised by Cowes resident Kaley Hall, was intended to appeal to the police to carry out searches at three possible burial sites for missing teenager Damien Nettles.

Marching to the police station
Around forty people of all ages took part in the march, which weaved its way from Cineworld through Newport town centre, down the High Street to the police station where it convened, attracting supportive honks from passing motorists.

No show for police
Kaley told On The Wight that the police officer who had given the go-ahead for the march had confirmed that he would talk to her and the marchers once they arrived at the police station.

Despite waiting for some time, this did not happen.

Kaley has plans to take part in the Cowes Carnival on 22nd December to raise awareness for the campaign and invites anyone wishing to supporting the campaign to join her then.

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