
Islanders respond to ‘IW’ postcode campaign: A catalyst for job creation or an unnecessary change?

A campaign for the Isle of Wight to have its own unique postcode, beginning IW rather than PO has been launched.

Those behind the campaign state they believe “the households and businesses of the Isle of a Wight deserve a brand new IW postcode area”.

They also claim the change will “create new jobs and employment opportunities”.

Strong objections
However, when the idea was posted to the Isle of Wight Community Information Facebook group it was met with a response they probably weren’t expecting.

The feedback was mixed, but the overwhelming response from Islanders was “leave it alone”.

Difficulties with deliveries
Many responding to the post spoke of the difficulty Islanders already experience in having items delivered to the Isle of Wight.

Often those sending items don’t realise that for postal purposes the Island is considered part of Mainland Britain and that sending a letter or parcel through Royal Mail is exactly the same as posting from Bristol to Brighton.

Makes life easier
Some retailers won’t even post to the Island, whilst others include a large surcharge.

However, many commenting on the social media post said that being able to use the PO postcode really does help, as far as deliveries are concerned.

Remaining anonymous
Those behind the “Isle of Wight postcode campaign” say they wish to remain anonymous, but that in time, they say, they will confirm a spokesperson for the campaign.

No official response
News OnTheWight asked whether they’d been in touch with the Isle of Wight MP, Bob Seely, or the Isle of Wight council about the idea, they replied.

“We’ve had contact from a couple of Isle of Wight councillors. No official response from Isle of Wight council or Bob Seely yet.”

What do you think?
We’d be interested to hear what readers think.

  • Do you believe having an IW postcode is important for the Island’s identity?
  • Do you think it would cause problems with deliveries?
  • Do you consider it to be low on the list of things to campaign for?

Let us know below in the comments section.

Image: the blowup under CC BY 2.0