Isle of Wight 2010 Election: Candidate Q&A: National Issue 4: How Important Is Economic Equality?

Isle of Wight 2010 Election: Candidate Q&A: National Issue 4: How Important Is Economic Equality?This is part of a series of eighteen questions from The Democracy Club asked of the Isle of Wight candidates in the 2010 General Election (background).

National statement four: It would be a big problem if Britain became more economically unequal over the next 5 years.

Candidate Position
Ian Dunsire (English Democrats Party) disagrees
“Economically unequal with whom? Don’t really understand the question – sorry!”

Bob Keats (Green Party) strongly agrees
“See my comments above”

Pete Harris (Independent) strongly agrees
“Our economy is a basket case now. Its high time we recognised our true position and reacted to begin righting our broken economy.”

Paul Martin (Middle England Party) agrees

Paul David Randle-Jolliffe (Independent) strongly agrees
“Given there is no shortage of either money or resources it is counter productive to not enable all to do well not just in the UK but globally cooperation is better than competition!”

Mark Chiverton  (Labour Party) strongly agrees
“It is essential that more is done to reduce the increasing gap between rich and poor. This approach is not only in accord with justice but would also improve social cohesion.”

Michael Tarrant  (UK Independence Party – UKIP) agrees
“I don’t quite understand this question. Are we talking inequality between individuals or between Britain and other countries? Both are unwelcome.”

Jill Wareham  (Liberal Democrats) agrees

Those who didn’t provide responses: Andrew Turner – Conservative, Geof Clynch – BNP and Edward Corby – Independent

The idea for this whole idea came from the excellent The Democracy Club and answers are hosted by the splendid
Election issue of TheyWorkForYou.

Image: erix! under CC BY 2.0