Independent Arts Creative drop in - young people painting

Creative Drop-in Day and Consultation (under 25s): Isle of Wight Biosphere Festival 2024 (Free)

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As part of the first Isle of Wight Biosphere Festival, Independent Arts are hosting a free under 25s Creative Drop-in Day and Consultation.

Come and try an array of inventive and fun creative activities exploring Newport and community. And if you are under 25, your views are wanted on how to make the Isle of Wight a more sustainable place for young people to live.

Free, fully accessible creative drop-in, designed and delivered by young people, for young people with the support of Artswork and Independent Arts.

Where and when
The Biosphere Creative Drop-in Day and Consultation takes place on Saturday 25th June between 10am-4.30pm at Independent Arts, 48 High Street, Newport, PO30 1SE

Just drop in (free entry), no booking required.

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