The latest Ofsted report for the Isle of Wight College finds it ‘Good’ in all areas of provision and ‘Outstanding’ in provision for learners with high needs.
Highlights from the report
An inspection carried out in September 2023 revealed that:
- Most students and apprentices are very positive about their learning.
- Most attend well, are motivated to achieve, and develop the necessary knowledge, skills and behaviours to be well prepared for their next steps.
- Students with high needs make excellent progress from their starting points.
- They enjoy their learning, are exceptionally well supported, and develop their independence very well.
- Adult students and apprentices develop the essential skills employers are looking for, which enhances their future job prospects.
- Students value the highly inclusive and respectful culture leaders and staff have created.
- Students, adults and apprentices recall useful learning about fundamental British values and exemplify these consistently both on college sites and with employers.
- Most students develop their resilience and confidence very well. They benefit from a carefully designed ‘Future Focus’ programme. This programme enables them to learn about possible barriers to learning, emotional difficulties, communication and stress management
- Students feel safe when in the college and at the CECAMM centre. They know how to report concerns should they have them. They appreciate the welcoming, safe and supportive environment that leaders, managers and staff create.
- Residential students at UKSA feel exceptionally well looked after and safe.
- Leaders and staff work closely with local schools to ensure students with high needs can progress to college and access a much wider range of programmes than schools can offer.
What does the provider need to do to improve?
- Leaders and managers should ensure they plan the curriculum effectively so that all apprentices can complete their qualifications within the planned period of time.
- Leaders and managers should ensure students studying English and mathematics benefit from high-quality education which helps them to make the rapid progress of which they are capable.
- Leaders and managers should ensure that all adult learners and apprentices benefit from a personal development programme of learning that helps them to develop their wider skills and interests.
Read the report
You can see the full details in the report embedded below for your convenience