Daffodils outside County Hall in Newport by Simon Haytack
Image: simonhaytack under CC BY 2.0

Isle of Wight council Cabinet could defer decision on school place planning

Councillor Jonathan Bacon, Cabinet member for children’s services and education, has confirmed that the council’s Cabinet will not be making a decision on school place planning at tonight’s meeting.

He said,

“Following the Scrutiny meeting on Tuesday and their request for additional time to scrutinise the Cabinet report on school planning, and having considered that request, I can confirm I shall be asking Cabinet not to consider the School Place Planning (SPP) item at tonight’s Cabinet meeting and to defer the decision.”

Scrutiny motion
Earlier in the week, the Corporate Scrutiny Committee unanimously passed a motion proposed by Councillor Geoff Brodie calling on the  Cabinet to postpone decision-making on school places by two weeks until 20th March.

Members of the Committee say they’d been given just three days to read thousands of pages of information relating to the school place planning, which could see at least five primary schools closed due to falling birth rates.