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Isle of Wight council invites resident feedback on recycling and waste services

The Isle of Wight council has launched its annual recycling and waste survey, inviting residents to share their views and suggestions on how to enhance recycling efforts and minimise waste across the Island. 

The survey will run for six weeks closing on Thursday, 23 January 2025.

The council is responsible for the collection, treatment, recycling and disposal of household recyclables and waste on the Island. This is delivered through a contract with our waste provider.

Share your views
Councillor Lora Peacey-Wilcox, Cabinet lead for waste, emphasised the importance of community feedback,

“We are asking for your views and ideas on how the Island can recycle more and reduce its waste.”

Dix: Your opinion truly matters
Natasha Dix, Service Director for Waste and Environment, added,

“Thank you in advance for taking the time to provide feedback on the waste and recycling services you receive.

“Your opinion truly matters. Your responses will help us understand what aspects of these services you are satisfied with, as well as areas that could benefit from improvement. Once the survey concludes, we will share the results with you.”

How to take part
Residents can participate in the survey online.

Paper versions are also available upon request by emailing [email protected] or calling (01983) 823777.

Completed paper surveys should be returned by 5pm on 23rd January 2025 to:

Waste Management
County Hall
High Street
PO30 1UD

More information is available on the council’s website.

News shared by Isle of Wight council press office, in their own words. Ed