Aerial view of Bonchurch landslide
© Isle of Wight Council / Jacobs

Isle of Wight council leader refutes claims regarding Leeson Road reopening: ‘I cannot allow his assertions to remain without correction’ (Updated)

Ed Blake tells OnTheWight that he strongly refutes the claims Councillor Jordan makes in this article, explaining that he’s had multiple meetings about Leeson Road’s reopening with council officers on this, including with IWC CEO, Wendy Perrera, Natasha Dix the Director responsible and Colin Rowland, Neighbourhood Director. Ed

Leader of Isle of Wight council, Phil Jordan, has hit back at the claims made by Ventnor’s councillor, Ed Blake, that he was responsible for lobbying the council to remove control of Leeson Road from Island Roads and reopen it for the summer holidays,

Councillor Jordan explains,

“I feel I have to write to correct the claims made by Councillor Blake and his assertions that he lobbied and convinced the Council to remove Island Roads control of Leeson Road and ‘insure’ it themselves so it could be opened.

“The reason Leeson Road was closed was because of its proximity to the largest landslide in recent history in the UK.  It was closed because the Highways Authority have a duty to ensure the safety of the Highway Network for all users.

“It remains the Highways Authority duty to ensure the road is safe for all users and the approach has always been to try to open the road at the earliest, safe opportunity.”

Jordan: Councillor Blake was not involved in any of those discussions
Councillor Jordan goes on to add,

“Councillor Blake did not convince anyone whatsoever to open the road nor to remove Island Roads from ‘control’ of the road.  

“Data exists for the road and it was on a number of well-considered risks, understanding the data, discussions with consultant experts, agreements between the Council and Island Roads that the Highways Authority came to a decision to open the road, single width controlled by lights and hourly physical monitoring – 24 hours a day – balancing all of the risks involved and with the understanding that deep hole monitors are to be installed in the near future.

“Councillor Blake was not involved in any of those discussions.”

Island Roads remain responsible
Councillor Jordan attended the opening of Leeson Road this morning.  He explained that it was a low key affair with modest traffic using the road in both directions.

Island Roads were, and remain present, to carry out the traffic management for the road, carrying out the hourly monitoring and still remain the  contractual provider for the Island Highways Network under the PFI contract.

The council leader said,

“There is no plan to permanently remove Island Roads from their contractual obligations under the PFI contract.

“Councillor Blake’s claims of being involved in the opening decision  are a slur on the tremendous hardwork over the past months that numbers of senior council staff have put into getting a solution for the road and for Ventnor.  

“I know that council staff involved in this issue are deeply upset by Councillor Blakes comments, knowing also they are untrue and unfounded. Their hard professional work, the negotiations, the consultant meetings, meetings with Island Roads, balancing risk and striving to do their best for Ventnor and the Island. To read and hear Councillor Blake claim somehow he has managed to open the road is so far from their truth as to be wilfully deceitful and  I must speak out on their behalf.

“The political posturing is misplaced, ungainly and without merit.”

Jordan: I cannot allow his assertions to the general public to remain without correction
He continued,

“Put bluntly, Councillor Blake has not been involved in any decision that has led to the opening of Leeson Road today.   I cannot allow his assertions to the general public to remain without correction.

“The Council are committed to supporting Ventnor and the residents, businesses and visitors there and we have done so in a measured but safe manner, being advised by data and consultant experts we are opening Leeson Road, working on opening Gills Cliff Road in August, working through legal process on Bath Road, have provided some free parking for the town and continue to work with the Town Council on related matters.”

Jordan: Councillor Blake went a step too far
He finished by saying,

“Councillor Blake is elected to represent his Ward and I would expect him to do so at every opportunity.   Claiming he has delivered the success of the road opening is, however, a step too far.  

“I cannot be any clearer.  Councillor Blake has not been involved in the decision to open the road, has had no effect by his lobbying, Island Roads have not been removed from control and we continue to work towards a permanent solution, over the long term for the Ventnor area and especially the areas prone to landslip.”