Three alternative budget recommendations have been put forward by the different Isle of Wight political groups. The Conservatives have not. We have the full details of the others.
Want to know why the School Improvement budget is being reduced by £70,000 next year? The number of Inadequate schools going from 11 to 1 has a lot to do with it, says the council leader.
Andrew Turner made a second speech in the House of Commons today. Within it he mentions the need for resources being shared most fully. It's unclear what that means.
With the huge cuts to funding from the government, the Isle of Wight council are on the cusp of having to slash many services in the coming financial year. However, it appears a frenzy of negotiations yesterday may have paid off.
Around £3.3m of savings (cuts) to Isle of Wight services need to be made in the next financial year, however the latest budget proposals from the council look designed to protect the most vulnerable people on the Island.
Tonight's public meeting, being held by Unite the Isle of Wight campaign group brings an opportunity to discuss the many issues around the imminent cuts and what the group's next steps will be.
The Isle of Wight MP asked the Prime Minister at PMQs to confirm whether the Government would work with IWC to help "find new ways to address the Island’s unique circumstance".
Island 2000 will take over the countryside management from Monday. The IWC will still retain ownership of the land, but it will be managed as part of Gift to Nature Project.
The government’s funding cuts to local councils has put many Isle of Wight services under threat. Share your concerns and hear more about the threat can be tackled at this public meeting hosted by Unite the Isle of Wight.