Nipper crab costume outside Brading Roman Villa

Isle of Wight Day: Be a Roman for a day

That is the brilliant invitation for families to enjoy a great fun day out as part of Isle of Wight Day on Saturday 17th September at Brading Roman Villa, getting immersed in everything Roman.

Even more amazing – it’s just £1 entry for Island residents.

Fun-packed day
The day will be packed with a range of fun family activities including Roman soldier school, Roman sword and shield making, Roman mosaic making, entertainment, bouncy castles and a chance to meet Isle of Wight Day mascot, Nipper The Crab, in his full Roman armoury.

There will be over 40 volunteer organisations from across the Island, organised by Community Action Isle of Wight, who will have demonstrations and fun activities for all to join in.

Daley: There’ll be so many things for everyone to see and do
Isle of Wight Day CEO, Becky Daley, explains the amazing things that are in store at this event,

“We have worked closely with Brading Roman Villa to create the most fantastic fun experience for all the family, bringing our Island history to life on this special day.

“There will be so many things for everyone to see and do on the day. The gates will open at 10am.”

For full event details visit the official Isle of Wight Day Website.

News shared by David on behalf of Isle of Wight Day. Ed

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