Isle of wight day bunting

Isle of Wight Day: Grab your bunting now

Robin shares this reminder about Isle of Wight Day. Ed

100 miles of Isle of Wight Day bunting has appeared all over the Island.

A new supply of Isle of Wight Day bunting is awaiting your collection at distribution points all over the Island, so pick it up – it’s completely free – and start hanging your bunting for Isle of Wight Day which is on Saturday, 23rd September.

Collection points
You can now collect your bunting at Wightlink, Red Funnel and Hovertavel terminals on the Island, at Tesco, Sainsbury’s, M&S, Morrisons, Asda, Co-Ops in Freshwater and Ventnor and at the Quay Arts Centre or The Guildhall in Newport.

Bunting will also be available at all Town and Parish Councils, who will receive their allocation of bunting over the next few days.

Lots going on
This year’s Isle of Wight Day promises to be bigger and better than ever, so start flying your flags and check the hundreds of activities being planned for the day on the Website.

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