
Isle of Wight GCSE results: Breakdown of results (update 6)

Following last week’s announcements of the 2016 GCSE results, schools and colleges across the Isle of Wight will today be sharing more detail.

This year national performance measures have changed. A new ‘Basics Standard’ will be used to measure how many students achieve at least a C grade in English and mathematics combined.

Throughout the day, this article will be updated as academies and colleges share their breakdowns.

Ryde Academy
Ryde Academy were the first to provide a breakdown, sharing their results last week. The Academy has seen a significant improvement in GCSE results.

In 2016, under the leadership of Joy Ballard, the figure has risen to 54%.

In 2015, 36% of students achieved five A*-C GCSEs including maths and English.

Using the new accountability measure (Progress 8) Ryde Academy estimate results improved from -0.38 to -0.24 from last year.

Carisbrooke College
In 2016, overall, 51.24% students achieved five+ A*-C GCSEs including English and Maths.

In 2015, Carisbrooke College saw a huge surge in the number of students achieving 5+ A* – C GCSEs including English and Maths rising from 29% to 53%.

In terms of the new national measure Progress 8, the P8 score for 2016 is +0.12, which is a significant improvement on 2015 results (-0.28) and indicates an overall improvement in all results that make up the suite of eight subjects.

Medina College
The percentage of pupils at Medina College achieving five+ A*-C including English and maths went up from 36.47% in 2015 to 41.18% this year.

Medina’s Progress 8 score also improved to -0.22.

Executive Head, Peter Shaw told OnTheWight,

“Whilst we are pleased with this improvement, we are ambitious for more.

“We have every confidence that our newly formed Federated Leadership Team will drive both colleges forward significantly in the forthcoming academic year.”

Christ the King College
Keeping level with last year’s results, 64% of pupils at Christ the King achieved five+ A*-C GCSEs, including English and Maths.

Early analysis of results across all subjects indicates that the Progress 8 figure reflecting 10 subjects (the College was part of the national pilot last year) has increased significantly from 0.15 last year to 0.34 this year.

Pat Goodhead, principal, said,

“Whilst there are an impressively high number of students with results that include the top grades, students can of course make good and outstanding progress and achieve much lower grades; schools should never lose sight of their impressive achievements too.”

Sandown Bay Academy
Sandown Bay Academy saw 37% of students achieve five GCSEs at grades A*-C including English and Maths, while 46% achieved the Basics measure of a grade C or higher in English and Maths.

The Progress 8 score was -0.38.

Principal, Claire Charlemagne, commented,

“While we are very pleased with the improvement we have seen in some subjects, notably English where the pass rate increased to 70%, we are clearly disappointed in the results, especially after we had such strong A-level results last week.

“We have been working very hard to ensure that the Academy is fully staffed for September, with a new leadership structure in place; and investing in a programme of professional development for all staff, which we expect to give much improved results for our students this coming year.”

Cowes Enterprise College
53% of pupils at Cowes achieving five+ A*-C GCSEs including English and Maths. This is an increase of 1% from 2015. 58% of pupils achieved A*-C in English and Maths.

The estimated Progress 8 score is 0.03.

John Peckham told OnTheWight,

“From a year-group whose attainment when they started in Year 7 was significantly below average, we are delighted that they have achieved outcomes that are in line with national averages.

“A testament to lots of hard work and a real commitment from all the staff of the academy.”

Studio School
A spokesperson for the Isle of Wight Studio School told OnTheWight,

“Due to the nature of our school and curriculum offer, we are still not in a position to give accurate data on our results at present.

“We work with various different establishments, exam boards and awarding bodies and not all of our subjects have yet been verified.

“Any figures I could give you at this point in time would be hypothetical and probably inaccurate.”

Comparing to previous years
Assuming all schools continue to share the previous measure, the 2015 confirmed figures for pupils achieving 5+ A*-C GCSEs below gives an indication of whether 2016 attainment has improved or fallen.

2015 results
77% Ryde School with Upper Chine
64% Christ The King College (2014 – 55%)
54% Priory School
53% Carisbrooke College (2014 – 29%)
52% Cowes Enterprise College (2014 – 58% )
48% Sandown Bay Academy (2014 – 42%)
37% Medina College (2014 – 48%)
36% Ryde Academy (2014 – 47%)

Image: Todd Binger under CC BY 2.0

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