Isle of Wight Librarian Freed From ‘Logic Loop Toilet’ By Crack Team Of Linguists

Isle of Wight Librarian Freed From 'Logic Loop Toilet' By Crack Team Of LinguistsOur favourite satirical news Web site, News Biscuit, has given us another Isle of Wight related posting today.

Here’s one for all of our favourite Librarians on the Isle of Wight.

Cecil Franks; an Isle of Wight librarian was freed yesterday by a team of skilled language experts following a harrowing ten-hour ordeal trapped in a linguistic dichotomy in the men’s toilets.

The lavatories had just been redecorated, and a sign placed over the towel rail saying ‘Now Wash Your Hands.’ Mr Franks apparently went for his break at 9:30am but when he failed to reappear by mid-afternoon, a search party was sent out for him.

‘Much later we heard him calling from the toilet and washroom cubicle; it appears that having washed his hands after using the toilet, he found himself instructed by the sign to wash his hands again.

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