St Mary's hospital in the rain

Isle of Wight NHS Trust issues flu warning for hospital visitors

The Isle of Wight NHS Trust has issued an important reminder to anyone planning to visit the hospital.

As flu cases continue to rise, the Trust is urging people with flu-like symptoms, including a high temperature, to stay at home and avoid contact with others.

This step is vital to help prevent the spread of infections and to protect vulnerable patients.

Hospital visits: Key guidance
Anyone experiencing symptoms of diarrhoea or vomiting is asked not to visit the hospital. The guidance is clear: individuals must wait at least 48 hours after symptoms have cleared before entering the hospital premises.

For those who are healthy and able to visit, the Trust is emphasising the importance of hand hygiene. Washing hands thoroughly or using hand sanitiser upon arrival can significantly minimise the risk of spreading infections.

A collaborative effort to reduce infection rates
The NHS is relying on public cooperation to protect patients and staff during this challenging time. By following the advice, visitors can play their part in reducing the strain on healthcare services.

With flu cases continuing to rise, these measures are an essential step in keeping hospital environments as safe as possible.

For the latest updates and advice, the Isle of Wight NHS Trust encourages residents to stay informed through official channels.