Compass :

Isle of Wight orienteering club announces new membership offer

Thanks to Frank for this latest news from the WightO – orienteers group. Ed

Following consultations with the British Orienteering Federation (BOF), the Club is now able to offer Affiliated Club Membership.

You will no longer need to be a member of BOF to obtain WightO membership. However you will not have BOF Public Liability Insurance.

What’s on offer
WightO membership gives you reduced fees at events and you will receive regular e-mails informing you of forthcoming events and results.

If you re-join at either of the next two events, the Club will let you have a free run.

Dates of the next vents are :

  • Sunday 8th October at Brook and Compton Down
  • Sunday 17th December at Borthwood

Details of theses events will be on the WightO Website.

image: hyperscholar under CC BY-SA 2.0