Building site with warning sign
Image: Gene Hunt under CC BY 2.0

Isle of Wight planning application list and map: 20 Dec 2024

Each week Isle of Wight council planning department issues a weekly list of the planning applications that are open to the public for review, consideration, and if necessary, comment.

OnTheWight now takes those and presents them to Islanders in a way we hope is the most helpful.

Layout / features / functions
On the table below, you can re-order each of the columns just by clicking on the header. In the top right of the table there’s a search feature.

Copy the application number and search the council’s planning register to see the application

Application NoParish(es)Ward(s)LocationProposal
24/01778/FULBembridgeBembridgeBembridge Point
Off Embankment Road Bembridge
Isle Of Wight
Continued use of land for storage, sorting and distribution of gravel and associated plant
24/01815/HOUBembridgeBembridge2 Locksleigh Cottage Dennett Road Bembridge
Isle Of Wight PO35 5XF
Demolition of workshop structure & conservatory; Proposed single storey extension and replacement windows
24/01774/HOUBrighstoneBrighstone Calbourne And ShalfleetFord Cottage Main Road Brighstone Newport
Isle Of Wight PO30 4DJ
Demolition of lean-to; proposed new French doors
24/01809/HOUBrighstoneBrighstone Calbourne And Shalfleet19 Shippards Road Brighstone Newport
Isle Of Wight PO30 4BG
Proposed two storey side extension
24/01860/LBCBrighstoneBrighstone Calbourne And ShalfleetFord Cottage Main Road Brighstone Newport
Isle Of Wight PO30 4DJ
Listed Building Consent for demolition of lean-to; proposed new French doors
24/01780/HOUCowesCowes Medina27 Newport Road Cowes
Isle Of Wight PO31 7PW
Proposed single storey extension
24/01808/HOUGodshillCentral RuralEast View Farm House Roud Lane
Godshill Ventnor
Isle Of Wight PO38 3LH
Demolition of conservatory; Proposed single storey extension on side elevation
24/01850/HOUNettlestone And SeaviewNettlestone And SeaviewFuchsia Cottage High Street Seaview
Isle Of Wight PO34 5EX
Demolition of existing extensions; proposed alteration to include reconfiguration of ground floor, single storey rear extension and landscaping to garden
24/01668/FULNewchurchNewchurch Havenstreet And AsheyKnighton Sandpit Off
Knighton Shute Newchurch Sandown
Isle Of Wight PO360NS
Continued siting of mobile concrete crushing plant
24/01814/HOUNewchurchNewchurch Havenstreet And AsheyWestmeath Winford Road Newchurch Sandown
Isle Of Wight PO36 0LZ
Proposed extension at first floor level and new roof; single storey side extension
24/01404/FULRydeRyde South East17 St Johns Hill Ryde
Isle Of Wight PO33 1EU
Demolition of buildings; Proposed residential development of 9 houses with parking and alterations to existing access
24/01700/HOURydeRyde North WestMaple House
St Georges Road Ryde
Isle Of Wight PO33 3AS
Demolition of garage; Proposed two storey rear extension and single storey side extension; proposed dormers at second floor level on rear elevation; alterations to
include raised rear terraces (amended plans)(readvertised application)
24/01856/HOUShalfleetFreshwater North And
Bouldnor Road Shalfleet Yarmouth
Isle Of Wight PO41 0UT
Proposed balcony on north/front elevation at first floor level
24/01789/FULVentnorVentnor And St LawrenceSeven Sisters House Seven Sisters Road St Lawrence
Isle Of Wight PO38 1UY
Demolition of the existing house and outbuilding, Proposed dwelling and annexe with associated landscaping
24/01813/RVCYarmouthFreshwater North And YarmouthLand Between Glan Y Nor And South-Lyn Tennyson Road
Yarmouth Isle Of Wight
Variation of condition 2 on 22/02297/FUL for a change to materials

Clicking on the pins will show you the location of the application and its IWC planning reference number, so you can match the two up.

(Zoom in and out to see details. Clicking on the pins will tell you the address and the reference number if you want to look up the detail)