As we enter a new year, many of us will be writing lists on paper or in our heads of New Year’s Resolutions.
People have been doing this for over four thousand years, since the time of the Babylonians, and although we often fail to maintain these resolutions, it is something that we continue to do.
A resolution you can keep
The Isle of Wight Volunteer Centre would like to offer you a New Year’s Resolution that will be easy to complete:
“In 2023, I will volunteer my time for at least one organisation on the Isle of Wight on at least one occasion.”

Doing good for others releases endorphins and makes us feel good
You may find that by taking up volunteering, some of your other New Year’s Resolutions fall into place more easily. Volunteering is good for you as well as those you are helping.
Have you heard of the “Helpers’ high”? Doing good for others releases endorphins and makes us feel good.
It can lower blood pressure and stress and research shows that volunteers tend to have better physical and mental health and overall are happier.

No set way to volunteer
Volunteering is something that we can all do at some point in our lives and in some way. There is no one set way to volunteer.
Some people do choose to make a regular commitment to a cause they strongly believe in and will continue to do this for years.
Others will focus on an activity that they like to do and do this for a range of organisations. Others still, will use volunteering as a way of building their skills, confidence or contacts in an area they wish to work in longer term.

Some people volunteer when an opportunity comes along that sounds like fun or they simply want to fill their time or escape their regular routine.
Finding the right volunteer opportunity for you
There is no right or wrong reason to volunteer, but the important thing is to find the right volunteer opportunity for you with an organisation that is the right fit for you.
The IW Volunteer Centre helps to connect potential volunteers with organisations who are looking for volunteers. There is a Website where you can search for opportunities and read news stories about the voluntary sector and with over 200 opportunities advertised there is something to interest most.

Every year one or more Volunteer Fairs are held, where you can meet in person a whole range of charities, community groups and organisations who have volunteer opportunities locally.
Island Volunteer Fair
The next event will be the Island Volunteer Fair on Saturday 14th January at Riverside in Newport (11am to 3pm). There will be over 50 stalls to visit.
It won’t cost you anything (unless you want to buy something to eat or drink while you are there) and who knows what new opportunities you will find.

So what have you got to lose? Come and say hello to staff and volunteers from some incredible organisations and who knows where it might lead you.
There will be another Volunteer Fair in Ryde on 4th March that will focus on Heritage and the Arts.
Wide variety of opportunities
There are a diverse range of organisations that can offer volunteering experience, including:
- IW Volunteer Centre
- Isle Access
- Abbeyfield Ryde Society Ltd
- Ability Dogs 4 Young People
- Aspire Ryde
- Bodster Equine Assisted Learning CIC
- Brading Roman Villa
- Care In The Garden
- Cats Protection
- Citizens Advice
- Digital Support Age UK Isle of Wight
- Embracing Age Isle of Wight
- English Heritage
- Friends of Northwood Cemetery
- Friends Of Shanklin Theatre
- Gift to Nature
- Girlguiding Isle of Wight
- Guide Dogs
- Healthwatch Isle of Wight
- Home-Start IOW
- Independent Arts
- Independent Visitor Service
- Isle of Wight Bus and Coach Museum
- Isle of Wight Council
- Isle of Wight foodbank
- Isle of Wight NHS Trust
- Isle of Wight Search & Rescue (WightSAR)
- Isle of Wight Steam Railway
- Isle of Wight University for Free Time
- IW Story Festival
- Living Well and Early Help Project
- Mountbatten Isle of Wight
- National Trust
- NCI – National Coastwatch Institution
- Optio Voluntary Car Service
- Oxfam
- Project Seagrass
- RAFT-Children’s Services, Isle of Wight Council
- Saturday Club For Deaf Children
- Sight for Wight
- South West Advocacy Network SWAN
- Storeroom2010
- The Classic Boat Centre Trust
- The Isle of Wight Red Squirrel Trust
- The Wave Project – IOW
- The Wight Squirrel Project
- Tidal Family Support
- University Hospital Southampton Research and Development
- Wessex Cancer Trust
- Wight Aviation Museum
- Vectis Radio
- Ryde Rotary Club

Our thanks to Community Action Isle of Wight for sponsoring this event feature. They and other organisations taking paid promotion enables you to continue reading OnTheWight for free