What’s On
Below you’ll find the latest features highlighting the upcoming events here on the Isle of Wight.
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Have a great night out, snap up a bargain and help the Hospice in the process.
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Show your support for our local team this Saturday at Newport football ground
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The Horse Box Theatre Company's bold new gig-theatre production of Frankenstein promises a fresh, exciting take on what is widely considered to be a landmark work of romantic, gothic and science fiction literature
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Lots of free art on display during Ventnor Fringe Festival for you to take home on Saturday afternoon
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With a high profile arbiter and a former chess champion already signed up, the first Wightlink Isle of Wight Chess Congress looks set to be successful
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Barratt raising cash for the air ambulance by selling off show home furnishings
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If you saw Joe Plumb's award-winning show at Ventnor Fringe in 2021, you won't want to miss this year's offering
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Tonight sees the play-off finals, arrive early to secure a seat as this is expected to be packed to the rafters.
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Join the talk via your Web browser from 7pm on Monday to hear Jenny Brown (National Oceanography Centre) talk about “New technologies to measure coastal hazards”
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There are a range of events taking place this Saturday in Ryde as part of celebrations for the 25th anniversary of World Book Day