What’s On
Below you’ll find the latest features highlighting the upcoming events here on the Isle of Wight.
If you would like to promote an event to OnTheWight readers, find out more.
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This very entertaining, but informative Cafe Scientifique talk on a subject most people don’t know anything about takes place on Monday night from 7pm. You'll never look at Dinosaurs the same way again, especially ducks!
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Many venues taking part in the free entry scheme
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See six talented poets from Portsmouth at Waterstones on 26th June.
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Gather outside St Mary's Hospital for a start time of 10.30 when the march will make its way into St Thomas's Square, Newport, for the rally.
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Coming all the way from beautiful Dublin, Fizzy Orange will be performing at Strings on Friday night for the latest gig from Ears Peeled
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The second British film in the feature film category of the Isle of Wight Film Festival is screened on Friday next week. Why not head down with friends for a night out in Ventnor.
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'Her Majesty' will be available for photos up to and after the Jubilee
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Quiz tonight at Ryde Castle raising money for Ryde District Heritage Centre, Royal Victoria Arcade.
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Your feedback is wanted on last year's event and any assistance in terms of ideas and physical help will also be appreciated by the small team of people who make this event happen.