Teenage writer:

Young Writers invited to join the first ever Isle of Wight Writer Squad

Calling all keen writers aged 13-17 on the Isle of Wight.

New Writing South, the literature development agency for the south east and Quay Arts are recruiting for the first ever IW Writer Squad.

The Squad will be run by playwright, Sean Tyler. Sean’s plays are performed on both sides of the Atlantic. He is resident playwright with Godlight Theatre Company, New York, and is developing several projects with them.

IW Writer Squad will meet once a month at Quay Arts for 11 months, starting September 2013.

What to expect
The Squad sessions will include introductions to a wide range of writing styles, from poetry to playwriting and lyrics to flash fiction, to support the development of young writers in the region. Fifteen young writers will be selected based on their enthusiasm for creative writing.

New Writing South has previously set up five squads in the region; New Theatre Royal, Portsmouth; The Berry Theatre, Hedge End; Turner Contemporary, Margate; The School Creative Centre, Rye, and The Writers’ Place, Brighton.

Other Writing Squads
Alongside Isle of Wight, two more squads will be set up in September 2013. The Oxford Squad in partnership with The Story Museum and Towner Squad in partnership with Towner Gallery, Eastbourne.

The selection process is via submission of a short written piece and attendance at an introductory workshop.

Get involved
If you would like to apply to be part of the IW Writer Squad, please send a sample piece of your writing (approximately 500 words) in any genre, responding to the title ‘LUNCH,’ with your, name, age, address and e-mail address to:

Debo Amon, Creative Learning Assistant, New Writing South, 9 Jew Street, Brighton, BN1 1UT.
E-mail: [email protected]

Young writers will then be invited to attend a writing workshop on Tuesday 2 July, at Quay Arts Centre, between 4- 5pm.

Deadline for applications: Monday 17 June 2013.

Image: John O’Nolan under CC BY 2.0