illustration of young people with their hands in the air - youth trust

Isle of Wight Youth Trust to host Young People’s Hustings events

Are you interested in the future of the Isle of Wight? Do you want your voice to be heard?

Find out from political candidates in the upcoming General Election what sort of vision they have for young people on the Island by taking part in the Young People’s Hustings later this month.

Two unique events
The Isle of Wight Youth Trust have organised two unique events (for West and East) designed to empower young people and engage you in the political process.

This will be your chance to meet the candidates and ask them questions about their vision for the young people on our Island.

Who can participate?

  • Young people who can’t vote but want to share their view
  • First-time and Youth voters
  • Parents, teachers, Youth workers and community stakeholders interested in young people on the Island

Register to take part
The East Wight Hustings takes place on Monday 10th June between 5pm and 6.30pm at Ryde Academy, School Playstreet Lane, Ryde PO33 3LN. Register for your free ticket.

The West Wight Hustings takes place on Thursday 13th June between 4pm and 5.30pm at Isle of Wight College, Medina Way, Newport PO30 5TA. Register for your free ticket.