It’s The Thought That Counts! Credit Crunch Valentines Ideas Pt. 4

We reach the end of Rosemary Hutton’s It’s The Thought That Counts! Credit Crunch Valentines Ideas series and she finishes with some sound advice for anyone in a relationship. Ed

It's The Thought That Counts! Credit Crunch Valentines Ideas Pt. 4Spend real time together
Communication is the key to all relationships, and if you want to strengthen yours, why not switch off the television, the radio, the computer and the phones, and spend your time together talking.

Light a few candles, put on some soft music (without lyrics preferably) and get each other to write vows or pledges for each other.

They don’t have to be deep and serious – they can be light-hearted, or kinky!

Although we think we know our partners behaviourisms, do we really know them?

Ask each other what your goals are for the next 10 years, and see what answers you get. Being connected by your minds is as important as being connected by your hearts.

There are loads of ways to show your romantic sides, and those were just a few. If you know of any other ways in which you can show the world you love your partner without having it cost the earth, please let VentnorBlog know your secrets!

We’re sure you’ll agree that Rosemary’s articles have been a brilliant read and we’re very grateful for her time and passion on this subject. We look forward to hearing more from Rosemary about life on the Wight very soon. Ed

Image: Geishboy

Valentine, Isle of Wight

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