IW Council and IW Courts Named in Class Action

The Isle of Wight council and the Isle of Wight courts have been named in a Class Action which was filed yesterday morning.

IW Council and IW Courts Named in Class ActionThe Class Action was filed by Freedom, Advocacy & Law Ltd in the International Courts of Justice in the Hague.

It concerns violations of International Human Rights, Law and local Statute and was filed by parents and other family members, for parents and extended families who feel they have unjustly, unfairly or unlawfully lost contact with and/or care of their children for any reason, whether resulting from separation/divorce, or dealings with Children’s Services.

A spokesman for Freedom, Advocacy & Law on the Island said “Around two hundred and fifty families from around the UK, including from the Isle of Wight and across the mainland have enjoined this unprecedented action so far, but the numbers enjoined to the rolling list rises daily and could reach into four figures by the time the case comes to be heard in the Hague.”

He went on to say “This action covers both Public and Private law cases and is expected to send shock waves right through the legal and social care system and bring justice, accountability and reform into this very secret and unaccountable arena.

“Once the public see the extent of the abuses that go on under the veil of secrecy that is family law in the UK they will be shocked and we believe this action will now give many the courage to come forward for the first time. But we also have not just families but professionals coming forward who are just as appalled as we are, they are speaking to us and we welcome this, we respect and grateful to them for doing so!”

Island spokeperson speaks out
The Island spokesman, a retired Steward of the Isle of Wight LINk also said “Some of the issues I tried to raise, as a member of the LINk, also involve serious Adult Social Care Issues and as the elected and nominated LINk member of the Isle of Wight Councils Adult Social Care, Health and Housing Scrutiny Panel, unfortunately I believe I was undemocratically removed from the panel by some one in the Council. But this action, will mean the Isle of Wight Council like every other one named, will have to address matters rather than I believe brushing them under the secrecy carpet, especially as the national media are reporting as well!”

The action is being handled pro-bono (at no cost) by Freedom, Advocacy & Law who they tell us that they have around 5,000kg of evidence to present to the court in the Hague.

Freedom, Advocacy & Law

Image: steakpinball under CC BY 2.0