Montage of photos of Jess Burfitt in her England outfit

Jess Burfitt to represent England as a soloist at the prestigious Dance World Cup

Jess Burfitt, aged 12, from Shanklin, is preparing to compete in the Dance World Cup in Prague next week.

Jess trains in all dance styles at MLD Studio, based in Ryde, and has qualified for the children’s contemporary section as a soloist for the England team. She will be competing against hundreds of others her age from across the country.

Support from the community
Jess is a Red Funnel ambassador. The company has supported her travel for the last two years, enabling her to train off the Island and compete nationally. This support has been crucial in her development as a dancer.

Additionally, Jess has received sponsorship from Lockfit on the Isle of Wight. Their sponsorship has helped cover costs associated with the Dance World Cup, giving Jess the opportunity to compete internationally.

Pride from MLD Studio
Michelle Davis, from MLD Studio, expressed her pride in Jess’s achievements.

“All of us here at MLD Studio are so proud of her achievements and are right behind her in all she does.

“Good luck, Jess. Go show them what you’re made of!”

A testament to her hard work
Jess’s journey to the Dance World Cup highlights the dedication and talent required to reach such a high level of competition.

Her success is a testament to her hard work and the support of her community.