Jonathan Seaver Fitzgerald Bond: A Lesson in Stone Masonry

Jonathan Seaver Fitzgerald Bond: A Lesson in Stone MasonryJonny Fitzgerald Bond! Wow, what a guy!

He never ceases to amaze us and on Tuesday night at the Ventnor Town Council Planning meeting he reinforced our views of him once again.

When discussing the planning application to build a house in a garden on Madeira Road (since when does an established 150 year old garden become an infill site?) he stated that he had no problem with the Victorian wall being demolished to make way for the proposed dwelling, because IT WAS MADE OF BREEZE BLOCKS.

Come again old boy?

Breeze blocks you say? Would they be the same ‘breeze blocks’ he previously mistook in a Victorian wall a few hundred feet away down the road at St Joseph’s (that he also had no problem being demolished to make way for another dangerous drive)?

Fitzgerald Bond: It's (W)all Gone WrongSince Michael Jennings’ financiers have got involved in the St Joseph’s development (they’re “taking a more active role in ensuring the project is concluded to the right quality”), they insisted that the perimeter walls get some quality treatment. Quite right too.

The result of the render being hacked off and the walls being shown some proper tender loving care is fantastic and adds immensely to the conservation area.

We think it would be hard for anyone to mistake this wall for breeze blocks, unless of course, you’re a total buffoon!

Luckily three Town Councillors: Val Taylor, Debby Robinson and Steve Milford saw sense and rejected the application, as had been done on previous applications by the Ventnor town council and the Planning Department for this site.

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