Bob Seely leaning forward to reply to Victoria Derbyshire - BBC Newsnight

Just in: Bob Seely gives his excuse for saying ‘Kangaroo Court’ but then denying he had on Newsnight

As News OnTheWight reported on Tuesday earlier this week Bob Seely MP was caught out by a BBC Journalist for referring to the Privileges Committee – which issued a damning verdict on Johnson’s honesty and conduct – as a ‘Kangaroo Court’ and then denying it.

News OnTheWight asked the Isle of Wight MP,

“Would you kindly clarify for the constituents of the Island – should they trust your words on national television last week, where you portrayed the Privileges Committee as a ‘kangaroo court’, or should they take into account your most recent vote in Parliament? Your parliamentary action seems to contradict the notion of the committee being a ‘kangaroo court’.

“Also, should residents be concerned that you forgot that you’d made such a serious allegation?”

Seely: I tend to avoid cliches
This afternoon (Thursday), Bob Seely told News OnTheWight,

“When I used the phrase, I was very clearly quoting my pro-Boris colleague who was speaking before me – Hence I didn’t recall using it.

“Happy to accept I should have been clearer at the time – as I said last night – but in the context of the entire conversation, my wider position on the matter is clear. 

“Clearly, as I voted for the report, despite its flaws, I don’t consider it to have been a kangaroo court. Because I tend to avoid cliches when I was asked if I used the term, I didn’t recall, but I was happy to trust Victoria. 

“I then agreed it was the wrong term – because it was. I’m very happy to set that straight.”

Seely: Important for all elected representatives to have high standards
Mr Seely continued,

“I think it’s good to have a reality check here. Boris agreed to stand down last year after I and others believed that his conduct was not up to standard. Since last autumn Rishi has been leading us, and doing a good job for the nation.

“I agree that it is important for all elected representatives to have high standards, and when they don’t reach them, to be clear about it, and apologise if need be. I certainly try to do so myself, which is why I, along with others, asked Boris to stand down over a year ago.”

If you’d like to learn more about Bob Seely, visit News OnTheWight’s archive.

Image: © BBC