Sophie Rolf:

Book now for Barn Dance with The Bismarcks for KissyPuppy

Thanks to Paul for sharing details of this fundraising event. Ed

Wight Bells have traditionally raised money for Marie Curie Cancer Care and the Earl Mountbatten Hospice and for their next event, they have very kindly decided to support The Sophie Rolf Trust – KissyPuppy.

The band who are playing are a nationally acclaimed band called The Bismarcks who will provide a terrific atmosphere and so we are hoping to have a full house that evening.

There will also be a Raffle (top prize to be a ‘Tiger Milk Feed’, courtesy of the Isle of Wight Zoo).

The Bismarcks
The Bismarcks are three English musicians playing traditional tunes on three instruments: Ed Rennie on melodeon, Nina Hansell on fiddle and Gareth Kiddier on piano.

Small but perfectly formed, The Bismarcks sound is some how greater than the sum of its parts. At times there’s an almost mechanical, unstoppable energy to their playing. Exactly how this happens is probably not something which can or should be defined.

Suffice to say that it’s just three people doing what they love to do. That’s what makes The Bismarcks amongst the bounciest, most infectious and best music for English ceilidh dancing.

Having performed at ceilidh clubs and festivals for ten years, The Bismarcks disbanded in 2006, only reforming for very occasional dances and parties that are that extra bit special. They are delighted to be back together for a rare performance on the Isle of Wight and are very much looking forward to working with their favourite caller Sheena Masson.

Book tickets now
Tickets are £7.50 per adult and £2.50 for children. Telephone Judith on 401685 or Judy on 520160.

There will be a licensed bar and all proceeds go to KissyPuppy.

Find out more about the Trust by visiting the Kissypuppy Website.