Labour More Than Double Vote For Their Budget

Labour More Than Double Vote For Their BudgetLast year we sat in the council chamber during the budget discussions and witnessed the vote of the budget.

Labour proposed their budget to the chamber filled with a massive Conservative majority. There was very little surprise that they got only a small number of votes. Two to be exact – the number of Labour councillors on the council.

Yesterday it all changed.

After their proposal — headline 3.75% councilor tax rise vs 3.9% from the council — the votes came.

They more than doubled their vote from two to five.

Much to many peoples surprise one Tory councillor did vote for Labour’s budget – Cllr Patrick Joyce.

Vote. 5 For; 26 against; 6 abst

The Liberal Democrats yesterday got the lowest vote award for their proposed budget amendment Two votes.

Vote 2 For; 28 Against; 6 Abs