Llamas Avoid Car Crash (Photo Gallery)

The Llamas who live on the Military Road had a big shock last week, when a van and a car joined them in their grazing field.

Lamas Avoid Car CrashIt’s understood that as the van went to overtake the car, the driver of the car decided to turn right – ironically as they wanted to have a closer look at the Llamas.

This led to the van and the car veering across to the right side of the road, mounting the grass and smashing the fence down.

The Llamas in the field scattered, but luckily avoided major harm, with only one of them ending up with a slight limp to be treated.

Destruction of the fence was complete with its wooden posts fragmented and flung all over the field.

Fortunately no one in the vehicles were harmed.

Click on the thumbnails to see larger versions.

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