Congratulations cake:

Come and let the Island know about your A-level results

Over 700 pupils have been working towards their A Levels this year. It’s easy for schools or the media to focus on just a few people when exam results are released. In some ways it’s understandble, but usually it’s just short-cutted to those who have done exceptionally well.

Of course, they are right to be held high, but what about the others who have done well or very well, or all of those who have tried their very best? Where do they get their mentions? Where do the public get to hear about them and congratulate them?

Praise for all
We at OnTheWight have been racking our collective brains to try and think how we could help to achieve this.

We’ve settled on something that seems really simple. Those who have taken their exams, their Mum or Dad, or wider group of relatives, or friends – just leave a message in the comments below for all of those that you think should be congratulated on their A-level results.

Image: atoach under CC BY 2.0