Fynn the missing teddy bear

Letter: £100 reward for eight-year-old’s lost teddy bear

News OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from Lisa Stevenson and family. Ed

On 23rd August this year my eight-year-old grandson, Matthew, was staying with me on the Isle of Wight.

Unfortunately I had to take him to St Mary’s Hospital in the night as he developed acute gastroenteritis. On leaving the hospital he dropped his beloved teddy, Fynn, outside of the hospital as we walked to the car.

The nurses in the hospital noted Fynn under Matthew’s arm as we left the building.

The hospital have tried to find Fynn for me and have given Matthew a knitted teddy telling him that his teddy Fynn is on a extended holiday and to look after this bear until Fynn returns. Matthew told me that he will, but this new bear does not have all the love, hugs and kisses that he had given Fynn.

£100 reward
I have tried to find his teddy as my grandson is heartbroken. I have put up posters at St Mary’s offering £100 reward for Fynn’s safe return, contacted local radio stations who have put out an appeal. We have also listed him on the islands lost and found website without luck.

On returning home to Southampton my grandson fell from a climbing frame in the park and has undergone surgery to put metal plates in his arm. All this has happened to him without the love and comfort of his teddy bear.

I gave Matthew Fynn when he was born and so this teddy is very important to me too!

No questions would be asked of the finder
I understand that several weeks have past, but Fynn is still missing and someone must know where he is.

Fynn is a Steiff teddy bear and the reward offered of £100 would more than cover the cost for the finder to buy a brand new bear if they chose. No questions would be asked of the finder.

If we can have him back with his really family so many broken hearts would be mended.

Image: © Lisa Stevenson