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Letter: Are the promised tax reductions a reality or political sleight of hand?

OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from Alex Saunders, Northwood. Ed 

So our Government, who has raised taxation to an all time 70 year high, says it is now going to reduce tax. But I think we all know how it works, they give a little bit with one hand, whilst taking much more with the other.

So what specifically are they not telling us?

Island deal carrot dangling
Here on the Isle of Wight we know perhaps better than anywhere how it all works. Bob Seely during the last general election dangled the carrot of the ‘Island deal’, which the University of Portsmouth independently calculated as an additional £6.4million a year to bring the Island up to level pegging with the mainland when it comes to the cost of delivering essential services.

No Island deal, but tax rises under Tories
The ‘Island deal’ has never been delivered, but worse than that, Bob Seely voted twice in Parliament for County Councils to receive even less money from Central Government, a double whammy if you like, inflicted on our Island by a Conservative MP.

Consequentially we’ve seen our Council Tax and the Police Precept rise year on year well above earnings and inflation. 

Vote Conservative and get more of the same
The picture is very clear, vote Conservative and get more of the same. National Insurance might come down, but it’s what they are not telling you you should be worried about.

My guess is that Council Tax will be set to go through the roof.

Look at the Government’s track record, and be careful who, and what, you vote for.