bob seely in parliament with arms crossed

Letter: Bob Seely is asked should law breakers be trusted to hold public office, ‘It depends’ he replies

OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from Hans Bromwich, Cowes. Ed

I have huge admiration for all the candidates who took part in Wednesday’s West Wight Hustings. It takes real courage to face questions from the public during such events.

I was fortunate enough to ask the following question towards the end of the evening, requesting a simple Yes or No answer from each of the candidates.

Question: “Integrity, professionalism, and accountability, at every level. Can someone who knowingly, and deliberately, breaks the law be trusted in public office?”

The immediate response from Cameron Palin, Richard Quigley, Rachel Thacker, Nick Stuart, and Ian Pickering was No.

Bob Seely, said, “Well it depends on which law is being broken”.

As you might well imagine, the meeting erupted with laughter. To Mr Seely’s credit he did then go on to agree with all the other candidates, and said No.

I am not sure where this leaves Mr Seely’s re-election campaign. Given his self-confessed law breaking during the Covid Pandemic, by saying ‘no’ he’s acknowledging that he cannot be trusted in public office.

Whereas, saying ‘well it depends on which law is being broken’, arrogantly suggests he either considers himself to be above the law, or thinks he is free to chose which laws he can break. Bob Seely’s reluctance to immediately and unequivocally say no to my mind is indicative of the self-entitled sense of  superiority we see in many Conservative politicians. They consider themselves to be above others. They are not. Politicians are elected to serve, not be served.

Please encourage everyone of voting age, particularly our younger generation, to participate in the forthcoming General Election on July the 4th. Let’s vote for higher standards, a more benevolent government and a Country fit for future generations to inherit.

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