east cowes

Letter: Call for Red Funnel to take part in ‘meaningful debate’

We always welcome a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below. This from Luisa Hillard from East Cowes. Ed

Update: Red Funnel have advised they will be sending a formal response via OnTheWight to Luisa’s open letter next week.

Open letter to Kevin George, CEO Red Funnel

Dear Kevin,

The Planning Committee last night was the culmination of a lot of work by all of those involved in the planning process and I understand that you must be greatly disappointed that your application was refused.

As you have already stated, there are decisions to be made now regarding the way forward. You may be determined to appeal against the decision and try to force the plans through, but I would ask you to consider what that says about the ethos of your company and your respect of both the democratic process of the Island and the East Cowes community who are your neighbours and customers.

Meaningful dialogue with the community
You now have an opportunity to return to the table for meaningful dialogue with the community and local stakeholders. You now have a fresh opportunity to actually listen and to redesign your plans so that they can deliver true regeneration in East Cowes and really boost the Island economy.

All through this process I have repeatedly asked you, ‘Where is the community benefit?’ because regeneration and what you refer to as a ‘once in a lifetime opportunity’ should be seen to deliver this. I continue to want to work with you in delivering a scheme we can both be proud of.

The residents of East Cowes are not NIMBY’s. Do we want less congestion from ferry traffic? Yes. Do we want your business to be successful? Yes. But not at the cost of Island families losing their homes and their jobs.

I invite you now to accept that the consultation and design process could have been better and respectfully request a commitment to developing new plans that we can all support. Together we can create a legacy for East Cowes and the Island, with which the success of Red Funnel is inextricably linked.

I live in hope.

Kind regards, Luisa

Mrs Luisa Hillard
County Councillor for East Cowes

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