Houses of Parliament with blue sky in the background
Image: tomsaint under CC BY 2.0

Letter: If Labour is going to win – What’s the point of electing a Conservative MP?

News OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from a reader who wishes to remain anonymous. Ed

It seems that many, many people far more switched on than me are saying that the country wants a change in Government.

Apparently the general mood in the country is that we’ve become weary with the Conservatives. They’ve had a good long chance to prove themselves and have shown themselves as wanting.

If Labour does get elected, what would be the point of the Island electing a Conseravtive MP?

Many that I speak to, even previously faithful Cons, feel that, even with his party in power, Bob Seely hasn’t delivered much for the Island.

If there’s a Labour government, he’ll be able to achieve even less, as he’ll be right at the end of the queue.

In short, to my mind, a vote for a Conservative candidate at this election is a wasted vote.

Vote for anything else – Vote Remain and at least let the country know how you feel.