People sorting West wight ballot papers at general election count
Image: © With kind permission of Allan Marsh

Letter: Political unity elusive as Isle of Wight factions continue post-ballot squabble

OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from David, who wishes to remain anonymous. Ed

It’s been interesting following the readers comments to sundry stories on your pages since early Friday morning.

It seems the Judean people’s front, those with red flags, and the People’s front of Judea, with green flags, have spent all weekend arguing about why it was the fault of the other that the Romans won the ballot, yet neither side can see any irony in this nor, seemingly, see why this will keep happening.

Low profile?
Meanwhile the Front of the people of Judea, those with yellow flags, have kept either a dignified silence or a low profile, depending on perspective.

Seely’s ferry vision
Still, on the positive side as he made a point of making this an issue during the campaigning  I assume Dr Seely, a former member of parliament and surely a man of action rather than of empty words, now has the time to follow his ideals and set up a ferry company with staff who never go ill and using infallible ships, or have ample spares of both staff and ships on standby, yet still sell remarkably inexpensive tickets all year round. Hoorah for that!

We live in exciting times.

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