Red Funnel ferry heading into southampton

Letter: Red Funnel drama sparks debate over investment in public transport and regulation

News OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from Nick Stuart, the Liberal Democrat prospective parliamentary candidate for Isle of Wight West in the General Election on 4th July. Ed

As someone caught up in the endgame of the Red Funnel drama over the weekend I listened with interest to other passengers.

It was clear that Red Funnel had failed to provide enough transport on the RedJet. Which led to a mass of people on the vehicle ferry. 

Which threatened to leave booked vehicle passengers on dock.

Staff worked hard
The Red Funnel staff on duty worked really hard to get everyone on board and then persuaded the floating bridge staff to run extra journey to get people from East Cowes to Cowes.

So a big thanks to them.

Lack of management
The public view is that Red Funnel didn’t have the management or capability to look after them, despite expensive fares.

While Red Funnel took large sums of money from passengers and gave it to the owners, not investing in staff or ships.

The staff view in confidence was management failures along with lack of investment and failure to run enough services.

Call for regulation
Passengers suggested the solution was regulation and service requirements.

So my motion agreed in Council in November of regulation, service obligation and public subsidy follows the Isle of Wight publics’ thinking.

The disbanded Government of the last few years didn’t want to help and refused to accept there was a problem. We all seem to agree that something should be done. But there is public cynicism that anything will happen . And can you blame them with an incompetent uncaring former Government and a former MP good at warm words, but in my view, ultimately unsuccessful in seven years.

We must deliver decent connections to the Mainland
So I’ll simply point out that myself, and Michael Lilley as the Lib Dem candidate on the East, have been pushing for national legislation and regulation for our Island to follow our Council efforts and deliver decent connections to the north Island. 

We have a record of delivery as Councillors and professionals and the skills to carry any new Government.

Lend your votes
Feel free to lend your votes to us as Lib Dems to deliver a real opportunity to tackle the ferry problem.