OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.
This from Colin, Ed
Have the current Newport road diversions shown the way forward?
When the latest diversions around the set of roadworks at St George’s Way and Coppins Bridge were announced, I was one of those suggesting that there would be similar chaos to previous road works around the town.
It seems I was wrong.
Minimised disruption
For once someone has taken the trouble to look at the possible problems and worked out a way to minimise them.
With four sets of traffic lights to negotiate on the diversion route then without some changes, the route would have soon clogged up. But by ceasing to have two way traffic along the side of M&S on that part of Medina Avenue, then from what I have seen, the traffic flows relatively freely, in fact far better than before the diversion was put in place.
The exit from Morrisons and Marks is now left turn only and because traffic flows freely along St George’s Approach and there are no queues at the existing roundabout would appear not to be problematic.
Keep it as it is?
Would we actually want to reinstate the original road scheme after the works have finished?
The lights are all permanently on go, except when pedestrians want to cross. Traffic coming from the Nodehill direction of Medina Avenue just gives way at the junction with Church Litten.
Other solutions
The other part of Medina Avenue coming from Shide is blocked off to prevent traffic using the road as a rat run. Perhaps traffic should be allowed access from the opposite direction from St George’s approach though to make it easier for the residents of the surrounding roads.
Seems to work well
I can only go by what I have seen at the times I use these roads. It may be different at other times. I haven’t seen any complaints in the media about problems with the diversions.
Residents of nearby roads may hold differing views. Would it be worth considering continuing with this layout once the road works are complete?
Are there any other changes that could improve the flow in the surrounding streets? What do you think?