David Randini and the letter from Tilley

Letter: Sweet note from young fan makes you realise that what you do can mean so much

OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from David Randini. Ed

Every so often you see reports of a nasty note left on cars or people’s property, so just for once it’s great to have something nice to report.

M&S Newport recently contacted my wife to ask me to come in as they had something for me.

What could it be? I couldn’t remember ordering anything, had I left something behind or perhaps they were going to use me as the next model for their menswear collection.

On arrival at M&S I was given a sweet note, left for me by a young girl. She he seen me at the Needles Landmark attraction. Apparently her parents said that I had made her holiday and she wanted to say thank you.

Letter from Tilley

I have managed to remember her name which was Tilley as she helped with a number of tricks during the act.

These are the things that make you feel so humble and make you realise that what you do can mean so much.

I have Tilleys’ address and will send her something nice as a thank you.