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Letter: The electorate will remember how MPs voted on winter fuel allowance

OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from Hans Bromwich, Cowes. Ed

Last week we were treated to images of champagne corks popping outside prisons as inmates were released early. I wouldn’t surprise me if the Newspaper hacks hadn’t provided the fizz on expenses to get the party started and bag the photos.

Let’s be honest, Tabloid Journos have been known to be more than a little naughty in pursuit of a story. 

Don’t make a choice you don’t want to make
Here’s the thing. MPs who voted for the winter fuel allowance to be withdrawn will rue the day. Wes Streeting said, ‘It’s not a choice we wanted to make’.  Well, don’t make it then, there are plenty of other ways to save money that won’t kill our elderly.

No doubt Labour are hoping the public’s indignation will die down, and go away, but I fear their actions will come back to haunt them. You can be sure the media are biding their time, waiting for pensioners to start dying over this coming winter, and then the proverbial is going to well and truly hit the fan.

No impact statement?
There’s a huge difference between fatalities resulting from a global pandemic, and those resulting from the deliberate actions by MPs in a parliamentary vote. Rishi Sunak asked Keir Starmer during PMQs to publish the impact statement.

Apparently he hadn’t made one, but we know from an earlier period that Labour had calculated withdrawing the winter fuel allowance could result in 3,850 deaths.

The electorate won’t forget
Keir Starmer hasn’t come out and directly said, ‘let the bodies pile high’, but that’s the reality of what he, and those politicians who voted to cancelled the winter fuel allowance, could be condoning. The electorate won’t forget, neither will the families of whose loved ones die as a result.

Perhaps the answer is in the next general election to ignore all the main Party candidates, and vote for the independent candidates, because they are free to vote with their conscious.