older woman looking pensive

Letter: The plight of pensioners: 40% miss out on crucial pensions credits due to red tape

OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from Hans Bromwich, Cowes. Ed

Our Government is well aware that only about 60 per cent of our older population who are entitled to pension credit actually receive it.

Hardly surprising when you consider the bureaucracy surrounding the application process, a 24-page form with 243 questions to complete.

40 per cent receiving nothing
40 per cent receiving nothing, that’s a staggering number of our older people not receiving the support they should receive, support provided by us, the taxpayer.

It is not some kind of, ‘charity’, being doled out by government.

And let’s not forget that the British State Pension is one of the least generous in Europe, a National disgrace, and the reason why the triple lock had to be introduced, to try and gradually increase the UK State Pension to something more akin to a dignified liveable retirement income, overtime.

What a totally messed up world we are living in
The whole mentality of government is wrong. It is happy to allow the impression to be created that those needing support are benefit scrounges, feckless layabouts, or worse still, criminals trying to cheat the system, yet it can find bottomless pots of taxpayer money when it comes to supporting Israel’s continued bombing and wanton destruction of Gaza, along with the killing of thousands of innocent women, children and babies. What a totally messed up world we are living in. 

Oh, and as for ‘change’, what change?