Letter To The Editor: Formula One On The Isle Of Wight?

Another Letter to the Editor from VB reader, Ron Chonner Esq. In case you hadn’t realised by now, Ron’s letters are to be taken with a pinch of salt. Ed

40mph road signThe Editor, Dear Madam,

From time to time it is proposed by one party or another that the Isle of Wight would make a good site for a Formula One race. Indeed, I believe such a proposal is going the rounds at this very moment in time.

Safety first
A study of any map of the Island certainly seems to offer a number of ready made race routes, all containing the necessary cornering opportunities and straight, high speed sections.

However, the concept invariably falls before the unavoidable fact that the speeds involved throughout mean that all road surfaces would need such extensive upgrading as to amount to nothing less that a complete rebuild. And in addition, a great number of street items such as lamp posts, directional signs and trees would need to be removed or re-sited purely in the interest of driver safety.

Our very own Grand Prix
However I believe I can offer a solution to this apparently intractable problem and indeed allow the Islanders the opportunity of hosting our very own Grand Prix event, rivalling if not Dubai then certainly Silverstone.

The typical Formula One circuit is well over 300 kilometres in length and with the competing cars travelling at top speeds in the region of 300 plus kilometres an hour, races can last for up to two hours.

Yet, at the finishing line no more than seconds or even fragments of seconds separate the first ten across the line.

Clearly then outright speed is not a factor in deciding who wins and who loses. And in fact it is generally recognised that what decides the outcome is the skill or otherwise in negotiating the corners. Taking the correct, or shortest and quickest line, in a word.

If outright pace is unimportant, and cornering skill all-important, as is clearly the case, it follows that the races, at least on the Island can just as easily, and certainly more safely, be conducted under a top speed rule.

I suggest 70k/hour. Or 40mph
I realise such an idea may seem at first sight somewhat outlandish.

I would like to think therefore that any response made by your readers and contributors be made on the basis of reason and fact, not on blind unthinking emotion.

Yours most sincerely, Ron Chonner Esq.

Image: satguru under CC BY 2.0

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