Letter To The Editor: Why Are We Paying To Clear Up Dog Mess?

We always welcome a Letter to the Editor, this one from a Ventnor resident who chose to remain anonymous on a subject close to many people’s hearts. Ed

Dog messI read with incredulity last week that the Ventnor Town council is planning to spend £2,000 a year of tax payers’ money clearing up dog mess after those who are too lazy to do it themselves.

What kind of message is this sending to them?

These people need to be taught a lesson, not pandered after.

Where are the dog wardens?
I realise there is a problem that some inconsiderate dog owners are too lazy to pick up their dog’s mess from the pavements and roads, and that they give responsible dog owners a bad name, but why aren’t Dog Wardens, who we also pay for, doing more to enforce fines on these people?

I’d like to know whose ridiculous idea this was?

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Update: Added the comment VB Facebook readers had posted.

Image: Johannal under CC BY 2.0