Letter To The Editor: Why No Free Late Night Bus Travel For Over 60s?

We always welcome a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers. Island resident Sheila Ferguson got in touch this morning, livid about late night restrictions for the over 60s on Southern Vectis. In her own words. Ed

Night busLast night we went out for a Burns Night celebration at the Old Stag. As responsible citizens who knew we would have a drink or three, we did not drive, we took the bus.

Imagine our horror, on our return journey, when we were told we could not use our bus pass after 11pm!

Everyone knows that pub closing time is 11pm, so how short-sighted is that rule? I would like to know the thinking behind it.

Being over 60 doesn’t mean cocoa and slippers
Anyway, when we learned the bus fare would be £2.50 for two stops – we walked.

Just because I am over 60 does not mean I have to be at home and tucked up in bed by that time! For Pete’s sake, I am a rock’n’roll child – my formative years were with the Beatles and Stones – and of course, the summer of love. No way am I going to “grow old before my time”!

I can understand why there are no free bus journeys before 9.30am, as people could use them to go to work – but to limit what time you can come home after a night out is ridiculous and punitive.

Bus companies – please re-think!

Image: Aperture Lag under CC BY 2.0